Nicolas Daoust
Februery 16, 1631
Jeanne Aubert
July 15, 1628
Madelaine Daoust
August 6, 1668
Guillaume Aubert
Maria Cordieu
June 17, 1654
Claude Aubert
Louis Cordieu
July 15, 1628
Louis Aubert
July 15, 1628
Timothee Bouchier
February 10, 1614
Nicolas Turpin
Jeanne Cordieu
July 15, 1628
Jean Aubert
June 17, 1654
Nicola Cordieu
July 15, 1628
Jacques de Lancy Daoust
August 6, 1668
Azor Frussart
August 6, 1668
Catherine Aubert
Coat of Arms
Coat of Arms
The mark of Marie Daoust
May 24, 1669
These signatures were obtained from documents found at the archives of Ainse in Laon, France.
Les signatures de la famille de Guillaume Daoust provenant de la France!
Cliqué sur une signature pour voir comment la personne est parenté avec Guillaume.